



1. 《原始佛法與佛教之流變》:本書是依經、依律為準,兼及各派論藏與史獻的探究,考證佛世時的教法、兩次結集內容。釐清部派分裂始末、部派思想的演革與分流,兼及大乘學派的傳出、演變及印度法滅。禪師寫作本書歷時約六年,內文約百萬字,是了解原始佛法與後世佛教流變的重要著作。

2. 《因緣法之原說與奧義》:本書分為《因緣法之原說與異義》、《因緣法之奧義》兩部,禪師寫作本書歷時約兩年餘,內文共約六十萬字。主要內容是根據漢譯《相應阿含》、南傳《相應部》之〈七事修多羅〉的共說為準,「依經證經」的還原 佛陀原說之「六處分位」的正統「十二因緣法」。此外,本書兼考證出自部派佛教之最古老論書《舍利弗阿毘曇論》的論義,探討其對後世學派思想的偏差影響及發展,引導佛教各派學人重新回歸 佛陀的經說教法、禪法、道次第。禪師另有《十二因緣經法原說略講》傳世,是依據〈七事修多羅〉的經說為準,精要闡明「六處分位」的「十二因緣法」。

3. 《中道禪法》:本書根據漢譯《相應阿含》、南傳《相應部》之古老〈七事修多羅〉的共說為準,依「六處分位」之正統十二緣起法,開顯正確經說之「十二因緣觀」及「十二因緣觀的九種禪法」,暢演「七覺分」的實修禪法及生起次第,體證「四聖諦三轉、十二行」的中道正覺、解脫苦惱、三藐三菩提。

4. 《人間佛教之中道行》:本書根據古老〈七事修多羅〉為準,依據「因緣法」為核心,再以「四聖諦三轉、十二行」為實踐次第,完成「解決問題,滅除苦惱」為宗旨之「人間佛教的思想及實踐論證」,充份達成「契合真實佛法,體現開展人間生活與修證菩提的一致性」。禪師重新依據「因緣、緣生」為世間真相,捨棄後世佛教誤以「無常、苦、非我、空,或唯心、唯識」作為諸法實相的岔路。堅定「顯正得破邪」的真道,遠離「破邪即顯正」的訛誤,顯現 釋迦佛陀教示的「緣起中道之人間正行」。

5. 《相應菩提道次第》:本書根據漢譯《相應阿含》、南傳《相應部》之古老〈七事修多羅〉的共說為準,採用約300 篇經說傳誦的排比對照,編輯出「六處分位」的十二因緣法,以及「先斷無明,後斷貪愛」的菩提道次第。禪師另著有《相應菩提道次第綱要》,依據〈七事修多羅〉的經說為準,「依經證經」的精要闡明「先斷無明,後斷貪愛」的「一乘菩提道次第」,重新回歸初期佛教的菩提道次第。

6. 《原始佛教相應阿含經》:本書是根據漢譯《相應阿含》、南傳《相應部》之古老〈七事修多羅〉為準,兼及考證第一、二次經法結集,探明後世佛教各學派論藏之論義與發展,最後濾淨《相應阿含》、《相應部》當中出自後世論義揉雜的論義經誦,重新回歸初期佛教的經誦教法。


1. 《跟隨 佛陀的人》(2003出版)

2. 《不食肉與慈心之道》(2005出版)

3. 《相應菩提道次第》(2008出版)

4. 《原始佛教之確證與開展》(2010出版)

5. 《嫉妒的覺知與止息》(2011出版)

6. 《突破困難的智慧與方法》(2012出刊、2014出版)

7. 《正覺的財富觀與生涯規劃》(2014出版)

8. 《正覺人生的規劃與落實》(2014出版)

9. 《十二因緣經法原說略講》(2014出版)

10. 《相應菩提道次第綱要》(2014出刊、2015出版)

11. 《原始佛教之界定》(2014出版)

12. 《七覺分統貫佛陀一代聖教》(2015出版)

13. 《淨土真義》(2014出版)

14. 《三階念佛彌陀禪》(2015出版)







Publication of the Inheritance

Ven. Bhikkhu Vūpasama Thera’s has had six major publications.

1. The Master spent six years writing “Original Buddhism and the Evolution of Buddhism”: The contents are based on the Suttas, Vinaya, and Abhidhamma teachings, as well as historical records collected during the first two Buddhist Councils. The book clarifies the early schisms in Buddhism; the evolution and diversion of teachings within Sectarian Buddhism; the beginning and evolution of Mahāyāna Tradition; and the decline of Buddhism in India.

2. “The fundamental and esoteric teachings of Relevant Influencing (Nidānas)”: It is broken down in two parts and there are a total of six hundred thousand words. Part I is the fundamental teachings of Relevant Influencing (Nidānas) and its deviations. Part II is the esoteric teachings of Relevant Influencing (Nidānas). The main contents are based on the common suttas of seven categories within "Samyukta-Āgama" and "Samyutta-Nikāya". The variations within the Twelve Factors of Relevant Influencing originated from the most ancient Abhidhamma – The Sāriputta Abhidhamma. These deviations have had a major impact on the development of different schools of Buddhism after the schism. The Master’s book has restored the original teaching, meditation techniques and the path to enlightenment as taught by Buddha Sākyamuni. A concise version of this book was also published to clarify the original teaching of the Twelve Factors of Relevant Influencing (Paṭicca-samuppāda).

3. “The Middle Path (majjhimā paṭipadā) Meditation Technique”: This book discloses the proper teaching method associated with “The Observation of the Twelve Factors of Relevant Influencing” and “The Nine Methods of Meditation Based on The Observation of the Twelve Factors of Relevant Influencing”. The contents of this book are based on the common suttas of seven categories in "Samyukta-Āgama" and "Samyutta-Nikāya". It also elucidates the meditation practice of the Seven Factors for Awakening (Satta Bojjhaṅgā) to sequentially complete three rounds with twelve aspects of the Four Noble Truths, as to accomplish awakening, liberation from distress, and Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.

4. “The Middle-Path Practice for Humanistic Buddhism”: This book is based on the ancient suttas of the seven categories, highlighting the core teachings of the Relevant Influencing (Nidānas), and the practice of the Four Noble Truths. Its purpose is to highlight the problems of resolution and eradication of distress. There is no contradiction between our daily living and the practice for enlightenment. The Master emphasizes Relevant Influencing (Nidānas) as the actuality of this world, and discards the misconceptions of using impermanence, suffering, non-self, emptiness, to explain the phenomenon of existence. The Buddha’s teachings regarding the Middle Path and Relevant Influencing (Nidānas) are the proper ways for Humanistic Buddhism as they are based on the actuality.

5. “The Connected Discourses on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment”: This book is based on three hundred suttas from the "Samyukta-Āgama" and "Samyutta-Nikāya". In addition, a more concise version of this book also highlights the "the Single Path of Awakening" (Ekāyana-magga).

6. “The Samyukta-Āgama of Original Buddhism”: This book is based on the suttas of the seven categories within "Samyukta-Āgama" and "Samyutta-Nikāya". In addition, suttas collected during the first two Buddhist Councils are also used as proof of the development of distorted ideologies caused by the intermingling of suttas from different sects. The book refutes all distorted ideologies as a means to restore the original teaching of Buddhism.

Master Vūpasama is continuing teaching Buddhism and conducting meditation retreats. His publications in Chinese are as follows:

1. In the Path of the Buddha, 2003

2. Vegetarian and the Path of Loving-Kindness, 2005

3. The Connected Discourses on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment, 2008.

4. The Testimony of Original Buddhism and its Development, 2010.

5. Awareness and Cessation of Jealousy, 2011.

6. The Wisdom and Methods to Overcome Difficulties, 2014.

7. An Enlightened View on Wealth and Life Planning, 2015.

8. Planning and Fulfillment of an Enlightened Life, 2014.

9. Brief Talks on the Original Teaching of the Twelve Factors of Relevant Influencing, 2014.

10. The Outline of the Connected Stages of the Path to Enlightenment, 2015.

11. Definition of Original Buddhism, 2014.

12. An Integration of a Generation of Noble Teachings of Buddha Sākyamuni Based on the Seven Factors of Awakening, 2015.

13. The Truth of Pure Land Teaching, 2014.

14. Three Stages of Mindfulness Recitation and Meditation of the Amitābha Buddha, 2015.

To be published in 2016:

1. Following the Buddha’s Path - Part 1

2. The fundamental and esoteric teachings of Relevant Influencing (Nidānas)” - Part I: the fundamental and its deviations

3. Original Buddhism and the Evolution of Buddhism

4. The Middle Path (majjhimā paṭipadā) Meditation Technique

5. The Middle Path Practice for Humanistic Buddhism

To be Published in 2017:

1. The Samyukta-Āgama of Original Buddhism

2. Liberation and Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi

3. The Exploration of Middle-Path Relevant Influencing (Nidānas) and Emptiness

4. The Practice and Achievement of the Four Immeasurable Attitudes