

隨佛禪師(Ven. Bhikkhu Vūpasama)為華人,出生於臺灣,修學佛法至今已四十餘年,在世界各地創辦「原始佛教會」,是還原、振興已經隱沒約有兩千二百餘年之原始佛教的法脈傳人。

禪師出家於緬甸銅鍱部僧團,剃度師是承續雷迪大師(Ven. Ledi Sayadaw C.E. 1846~1923)禪法及道場系統之Bhaddanta Zagara Bhivamsa 長老。禪師現今擔任中華、美國、馬來西亞、澳洲、歐洲原始佛教會終生導師,兼臺灣、馬來西亞、紐約等地中道禪林的導師,相近共學為奉守原始佛法的「中道僧團」。

隨佛禪師對於佛教教法的探究與修行,主要的研究是「從佛教傳承的最古老教義中,探尋佛教初始時期的教法,並致力於 釋迦佛陀教法、禪法及菩提道次第原貌的探究、闡揚與實踐」。


2011 年,禪師在臺灣、馬來西亞、美國等地,延請南傳佛教各國長老與中道僧團共同舉辦《四聖諦佛教聯合宣言》,促進錫蘭、緬甸、泰國、寮國、柬埔寨、美國、馬來西亞、臺灣各地僧人的交流合作,提昇「四聖諦佛教」的社會影響力。

2014 年依原始佛教會為基礎,再創立「四聖諦佛教會」,團結仰信「四聖諦」的原始佛教及南傳佛教,提倡「原始佛教、南傳上座、漢傳顯教、藏傳密乘,四系一家,同利人間」。

2015 年,禪師依據《阿含經》、《佛說阿彌陀經》、《毘尼母經》的傳誦,著作《三階念佛彌陀禪》,提倡「持名念佛、定心念佛、實相念佛」的三階念佛,導歸「見因緣法之實相念佛」,正確為世人揭示「由末法向正法」的彌陀法門。《三階念佛彌陀禪》指出:「彌陀行者終是原始佛教行者,原始佛教行者也是彌陀行者」,促進原始佛教、漢傳佛教是一家無爭、和諧共榮的新時代。

自2013 起,禪師在中國各地寺院廣弘禪法,引導中國佛弟子學習經法、禪法,促進佛教文化的交流、學習。

2015 年,隨佛禪師與日本曹洞宗東隆真禪師、錫蘭佛牙寺Wendaruwe Sri Upali Anunayaka Thero,共同舉行聯合宣法,促進佛教各界的合作。

隨佛禪師已經完成阿難系漢譯《相應阿含》(現誤譯名《雜阿含》)及優波離系南傳《相應部》的比對研究,更進一步的根據漢譯《相應阿含》、南傳《相應部》之〈因緣相應〉、〈食相應〉、〈聖諦相應〉、〈界相應〉、〈五陰(蘊)相應〉、〈六處相應〉及〈四念處等道品相應〉等〈七事修多羅〉的共說,「依經證經」的還原 佛陀原說教法。

原始佛教的教義,不同於分別說部為主的南傳佛教。原始佛教最主要的內容有: 1.「六處分位」的「十二因緣法」; 2.「十二因緣觀」的九種禪法; 3.觀十二因緣、次第起七覺分,先斷無明、後斷貪欲的「禪法次第」; 4.依七覺分,次第究竟「四聖諦三轉、十二行」,成就正覺、離貪、慈悲喜捨、解脫、阿耨多羅三藐三菩提的「一乘道次第」。


A Brief Introduction to Venerable Bhikkhu Vūpasama Thera

The Lineage

Venerable Bhikkhu Vūpasama Thera was born in Taiwan and is of Chinese heritage. He studied and practiced the Buddha's doctrines for over forty years and established Original Buddhism Society in several countries. He is the Dhamma lineage successor who has restored and revitalized the original teaching of Buddha Sākyamuni which was dormant for nearly 2200 years.

He was ordained by Ven. Baddanta Zagara Bhivamsa, a disciple of Ven. Ledi Sayadaw (C.E. 1846-1923) from a Burmese Theravada Saṅgha. Ven. Bhikkhu Vūpasama Thera is currently the chief mentor of the Original Buddhism Society in Taiwan, America, Malaysia, Australia, and Europe. He is also the mentor of "Sambodhi World" in Taiwan, Malaysia, and New York. All of his disciples including the "Sambodhi Saṅgha" practice Original Buddhism.

Master Vūpasama’s core research and practice of Buddhism teachings are in the area of revitalizing the original teaching of Buddha Sākyamuni from the most ancient scriptures collected by the First Buddhist Council, a council convened in the same year the Buddha passed away. His main effort is to spread the original teaching, meditation techniques, and the path to enlightenment as taught by Buddha Sākyamuni.

Master Vūpasama has not only succeeded the Dharma lineage of Original Buddhism, he is also knowledgeable in all schools of Chinese Buddhism, and in the ideologies of the three Indian Bodhisattva Schools, namely "Prajñā," "Yogācāya," and "Tathāgata-garba." In addition, he has profound practical and teaching experience in the ideologies of "Prajñā-Pāramitā Sutras" and "Mādhyamikā commentary," as well as the meditation methods of the Chinese Zen School.

In 2011, the Master invited many elder monks of Theravada Saṅgha to organize “The Joint Declaration of Buddhism and the Four Noble Truths" in Taiwan, Malaysia, and the United States. These activities facilitated exchanges and cooperation among the Saṅgha members in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, United States, Malaysia, and Taiwan, as well as promoted social influence of "Buddhism of the Four Noble Truths."

In 2014, based on the mission of the Original Buddhism Society, the Master founded “The Buddhist Society of the Four Noble Truths” in order to unite disciples of Original Buddhism and those of Theravada Buddhism who believe and practice the Four Noble Truths. He advocates the following four lineages: Original Buddhism, Theravada School, Chinese exoteric School, and Tibetan esoteric School to share the same mission to benefit all beings.

In 2015, the Master based on "Agama Sūtras," "Amitābha Sūtra," and "Vinaya-Mātika Sūtra" wrote "Three Stages of Mindfulness Recitation and Meditation of the Amitābha Buddha." He advocates the three stages of mindfulness of the Buddha: "chanting the name," "concentrating," and "realizing the truths" by observing the principle of Relevant Influencing (Nidānas). The Master uses this method to redirect “Dharma-Ending Age” back to “the Age of the Right Dharma.” This book points out an important message: "the practitioners of Amitābha school will actually become the practitioners of Original Buddhism; the practitioners of Original Buddhism are also the practitioners of Amitābha school." He promotes the idea that Original Buddhism and Chinese Buddhism are of the same family and will prosper in harmony in this new era.

Since 2013, the Master began teaching meditation in various temples in China. He guides Chinese Buddhists to study the Buddha's Original teachings and meditation methods, and also promotes the exchange and learning of various Buddhist cultures.

In 2015, Ven. Bhikkhu Vūpasama Thera gave Dharma talks together with Rev. Tenrai Ryushin Azuma Roshi of Japanese Soto Zen lineage, and later with Venerable Wendaruwe Sri Upali Anunayaka Thero from the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic in Sri Lanka, to promote cooperation among various Buddhism Schools.

Master Vūpasama has completed a comparative study on "Samyukta-Āgama" of the Ven. Anānda lineage and "Samyutta-Nikāya" of the Ven. Upāli lineage. His study is based on the common doctrines, cross referencing with verification of suttas of the seven categories ("Relevant Influencing [Nidānas]," "nutriment," "noble truths," "realms," "five abstruseness [aggregates]," "six sense bases," and "Noble Paths [including Four Objects of Mindfulness]") of Samyukta-Āgama and Samyutta-Nikāya in order to restore the original teaching of the Buddha.

The doctrine of Original Buddhism is different from Theravada Buddhism, which is mainly based on the school of Vibhajjavāda. The main contents of Original Buddhism include:

1. Using six sense bases as the divider for "the Twelve Factors of Relevant Influencing (Paṭicca-samuppāda)";

2. Using nine methods of insight meditation to observe "The Twelve Factors of Relevant Influencing (Paṭicca-samuppāda)";

3. Using insight meditation to observe "The Twelve Factors of Relevant Influencing (Paṭicca-samuppāda)" in order to cultivate the Seven Factors of Enlightenment (Satta Bojjhaṅgā) to cease Ignorance (Avijjā) before the Cessation of Craving (Lobha);

4. Basing on the Seven Factors of Enlightenment (Satta Bojjhaṅgā) to practice in stages of the three rounds along with twelve aspects of the Four Noble Truths to accomplish awakening, detachment of craving, the Four Immeasurable Attitudes (viz. loving-kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity), liberation (Mokkha), and Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi through "the Single Path of Awakening" (Ekāyana-magga).

Not only does Master Vūpasama not receive, use, nor accumulate money offered by devotees, but he also does not have a kappiya (layman) to manage money on his behalf. He travels around the world to spread the Buddha's original teachings and does not reside in one location permanently.