


April 28, 2019, Ven. Vūpasama Thero was awarded “The Annual Award of Outstanding Achievement” by the president of the Creative Foundation of The Thai Royal Advisory Group.

2019年2月19日,隨佛長老出席泰國皇室與佛教促進中心頒發佛教貢獻獎典禮,泰國王室公主 Soamsawali 的妹妹 Mom Luang Sarali Kitiyakara 代表泰國王室致送隨佛長老《佛教貢獻獎》。

February 19, 2019, Ven. Vūpasama Thero attended the Buddhist Contribution Award ceremony, organized by The Thai Royal and Buddhism Promotion Center.  Mom Luang Sarai Kitiyakara, sister of Princess Soamsawali, presented the Buddhist Contribution Award to Ven. Vūpasama Thero, on behalf of the Thai Royal family. 

2016年7月24日上午,隨佛禪師一行人抵達斯裡蘭卡 Ven. Mahindawansa Maha Nayaka Thero 長老駐錫的道場——Rajaguru Sri Subuthi 寺院 ,參加該寺院教育中心的落成典禮,來自世界各國的佛教團體皆應邀前往祝賀。下午,各國長老法師、居士大德參加頒獎典禮,亦有斯裡蘭卡多位部長級官員,以及佛教多位大長老也都出席。隨佛禪師獲得「佛教特別貢獻獎」,並且獲贈精心特制的佛教文化蒲扇。這是享有佛國美譽的斯裡蘭卡佛教,肯定隨佛禪師對佛教所做的可貴貢獻,同時也是對原始佛教會的認可與支持。

On the morning of July 24, 2016, Ven. Vūpasama Thero arrived at the Rajaguru Sri Subuthi Monastery, Sri Lanka where Ven. Mahindawansa Maha Nayaka Thero resides.   Buddhist groups from around the world were invited to this blessed inauguration ceremony of the education center.  In the afternoon, venerables from various countries and numerous Sri Lankan ministerial officials attended the award ceremony.  Ven. Vūpasama Thero was awarded the “Buddhism Special Contribution Award” and was presented with a uniquely-made Buddhist hand fan. This is a tremendous acknowledgement from the Sri Lankan Buddhism community, recognizing the valuable contribution of Ven. Vūpasama Thero to Buddhism as well as showing their support to the Original Buddhism Society.