


October 30, 2019, eight Maha Theros from Thailand, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, United States, and Ven. Vūpasama Thero of Sambodhi Saṅgha, signed the "Buddhism Saṅgha Cooperation and Development Agreement", at Nai Rong Temple, Bangkok.  All parties agreed to work together in establishing the Four Noble Truths Saṅgha in the Chinese community.


January 30 ~ 31, 2019, Ven. Vūpasama Thero, the Sambodhi Saṅgha, eight precepts practitioners and Dhamma friends of Original Buddhism Society, attended the Global Conference on Buddhism and Women’s liberation, organized by Maha Bodhi Society of India. Ven. Vūpasama Thero and Ven. Bhikkhunī Tissarā presented their papers respectively in both Chinese and English versions, which were commended by Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, a well-known international sutta translator.


November 4, 2018, the Sambodhi Saṅgha were invited by Ven. Karaket Thero, the abbot of Nai Rong Temple, to participate in the Kathina celebration in Thailand.


July 19, 2018, Sambodhi Saṅgha were invited to attend the birthday ceremony of Most Ven. Waskaduwe Mahindawansa Maha Nayaka Thero.  In appreciation of Maha Thero donation of the Buddha Relics to Chinese Buddhism communities as well as many years of sincere friendship and pragmatic cooperation; Ven. Vūpasama Thero and several bhikkhus made this special trip to Sri Lanka and brought well-prepared birthday gifts. 

2018年4月,原始佛教中道僧團迎奉 釋迦佛陀真身舍利入台永住。4月5日,於台北圓山大飯店舉行抵台記者會;4月7〜8日,在台北國父紀念館舉行迎奉大典。

April 2018, Original Buddhism Sambodhi Saṅgha welcomed the Buddha’s relics to Taiwan.  A press conference was held on April 5, 2018, at the Grand Hotel announcing the arrival of the Buddha’s relics to Taiwan. On April 7 ~ 8, 2018, a solemn ceremony to welcome the Buddha’s relics to reside permanently in Taiwan was held in Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall in Taipei.

迎奉 釋迦佛陀真身舍利 入臺永住影片介紹: https://youtu.be/wmro2Cgs7TA

《迎奉 釋迦佛陀真身舍利 永住臺灣 專輯》 下載連結: https://www.arahant.org/chu-ban-kan-deng/ying-feng-shi-jia-fotuo-she-li

2018年3月2日,斯里蘭卡 阿瑪羅普羅派(Amarapura Nikāya)首席戒師等十位長老,於臺灣原始佛教根本戒場,傳授比丘戒,確立僧律法脈傳承。

中道僧團承續千年佛制僧律法脈 影片連結: https://youtu.be/MjZ8siAEIKM

March 2, 2018, the chief precept master of Amarapura Nikāya and nine Venerables from Sri Lanka, established the Original Buddhism Sima, passed on the Bhikkhu precepts, and set up the Vinaya lineage of the Sambodhi Saṅgha.

2016年3月初,隨佛禪師帶領中道僧團眾法師、四聖諦佛教會法工群 前往錫蘭參訪,拜訪錫蘭僧團三大派之一的Siyam Nikaya,拜望了此派其中一系的 Asigiriya chapter 的首席大長老。Most Venerable Galagama Dhammasiddhi Sri Dhammananda Aththadassi Thero Mahanayaka Thero 大長老年已95歲,思緒清晰、敏捷,待人慈悲,對中道僧團在世界各地宣揚原始佛教的作為,是既關心也支持。

March 2016, Ven. Vūpasama Thero, Sambodhi Saṅgha and several disciples of Four Noble Truths Buddhism Society, visited the Most Ven. Galagama Dhammasiddhi Sri Dhammananda Aththadassi Mahanayaka Thero, the Chief monk of Asigiriya chapter in Siyam Nikaya. The 95 years old Maha Thero was clear-minded, quick-witted, and compassionate to all beings.  He strongly supported the Sambodhi Saṅgha in promoting Original Buddhism to all over the world.

大長老隨即前往泰國,數日後回到錫蘭,不久即辭世圓寂。 大長老說:「這是我一生中最好的弘法之旅。」

「這是我一生中最好的弘法之旅」緬懷最尊貴的 Galagama Sri Aththadassi 大長老 影片連結: https://youtu.be/IQRUsvXuC_8

2014年12月10日,長老一行人拜訪斯里蘭卡大法雨寺本院及其Siripagama 森林道場。

December 10, 2014, Ven. Vūpasama Thero, Sambodhi Saṅgha and several disciples visited the Mahamevnawa Monastery and Siripagama Forest Vihara in Sri Lanka.

2014 年12 月8 日 隨佛長老與中道僧團法師,以及多位在家居士前往斯里蘭卡,敬賀人間僧寶Gnanissara 大長老百歲壽辰。

December 8, 2014, Ven. Vūpasama Thero, Sambodhi Saṅgha and numerous lay people arrived Sri Lanka, to celebrate the 100th birthday of Most Ven. Aggamaha Pandita Davuldena Gnanissara Thero, the sangha treasure in today’s society.

2014年6月22日,於龍山寺文化廣場大會堂舉行中華四聖諦佛教會成立大會:團結海內外正信佛教團體,致力 佛陀四聖諦佛教的開展與復興。僧團長老上座,齊誦南傳《吉祥經》祝賀中華四聖諦佛教會正式成立。

June 22, 2014, an inaugural meeting of the Buddhism Society of Four Noble Truths was held in the Great Hall of the Longshan Temple Cultural Square. The goal is to unite all Buddhist groups in the development and revival of the Four Noble Truths Buddhism.  Many Theravada Theros recited the Maha Mangala Sutra together in celebration of the establishment of the Buddhism Society of Four Noble Truths.

禮請Gnanissara 大長老、Piyatissa 長老擔任榮譽導師,由 nanda 長老代表接受證書。並禮請 nanda 長老、明慧長老、明法法師擔任名譽指導法師。

中華四聖諦佛教會成立大會回顧影片: https://youtu.be/16AhPQQxhm0

「中華四聖諦佛教會」成立大會 各國長老祝賀、開示影音連結:

(一) 美國錫蘭佛教協會主席Ven. Kurunegoda Piyatissa Maha Thera 大長老 : https://youtu.be/bnYuTZuc5yM

(二) 錫蘭 Amarapura Maha Nikaya 的大宗長 Most Ven. Davuldena Gnanissara Maha Thera 大長老 :https://youtu.be/-XMcMNp5mQ4

(三) 隨佛長老Ven. Bhikkhu Vūpasama : https://youtu.be/TnXvVVLnLMw

(四) 泰國 月相長老(Chantawanno Thera): https://youtu.be/O1HGUcZaoBI

(五) 寂靜長老Ven. Khema Dhamma Thera ; https://youtu.be/VTnUDZNrPJM

(六) 斯里蘭卡Bhikkhu Dhammaratana : https://youtu.be/4RfIcQifxzg

2012年2月22〜24日,隨佛尊者帶領四位中道僧團男眾法師訪問錫蘭,受邀參與摩訶曼夫那瓦道場慶典。23日下午,隨佛尊者暨中道僧團法師拜訪該僧團導師,贈送尊者印順導師編著的《雜阿含經論會編》並相互分享學習心得。24日,隨佛尊者及僧團法師拜訪羅睺羅長老以及錫蘭第二大長老Ven. Dauldena Gnanissara Maha Nayaka Thero,感謝大長老支持四聖諦佛教僧團聯合宣言活動,並致贈《相應菩提道次第》一書。

February 22 to 24, 2012, Ven. Vūpasama Thero led Sambodhi Saṅgha to Sri Lanka as they were invited to participate in a Celebration ceremony at the Mahamanvnawa Monastery. February 23, 2012, Ven. Vūpasama Thero and Sambodhi Saṅgha visited the mentor of Mahamanvnawa Saṅgha.  They presented him the "Recollection of Saṁyukta Āgama'' by Venerable Yinshun and then shared their learning experiences with each other. February 24, 2012, Ven. Vūpasama Thero and Sambodhi Saṅgha visited Most Ven. Dauldena Gnanissara Maha Nayaka Thero, the second Maha Thero in Sri Lanka.  They thanked him for supporting the “Joint Declaration of Four Noble Truths Buddhism” and presented him the "The Sequence of Corresponding Bodhi Path".


2011 美國、台灣、馬來西亞 四聖諦佛教僧團聯合宣言簽署回顧影片連結: https://youtu.be/pf_NoZiiTrU

In 2011, Ven. Vūpasama Thero invited many Theravada Theros to uphold the "Joint Declaration of Four Noble Truths Buddhism" with Sambodhi Saṅgha, in order to promote the Saṅgha exchanges and cooperation of Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, the United States, as well as to enhance the social influence of Four Noble Truths Buddhism.

2011年3月19日,Ven. Bhikkhu Vūpasama 隨佛法師受邀參與由摩訶菩提學會創辦,印度政府支助的南傳佛教與巴利文研究大學(Bhagavan Buddha University of Pali and Theravada Buddhism Centre for Higher Learning)開幕儀式,會中隨佛法師代表華人的原始佛教僧團,將《正法之光》月刊贈送給來自韓國的2010 年諾貝爾和平獎被提名者朴清秀老居士( Mother Park Chung-Soo),接著向印度佛教僧團及與會的護法、來賓致賀。

March 19, 2011, Ven. Bhikkhu Vūpasama was invited to participate in the opening ceremony of the Bhagavan Buddha University of Pali and Theravada Buddhism Center for Higher Learning, founded by the Mahabodhi Society and supported by the Indian government. Ven. Bhikkhu Vūpasama presented the magazine Saddhammadipa to the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Mother Park Chung-Soo from South Korea, and then congratulated the Indian Buddhist Sangha, Dhamma protectors and guests at the meeting.