活動日期:113年10月20日 13:10 PM
Bhikkhuni Lineage —— Past and Present
Importance in Restoration of Theravada Bhikkhuni Lineage
隨佛長老 Venerable Bhikkhu Vūpasama Maha Thera
道一比丘尼 Venerable Bhikkhuni Tissarā Theri
本書的內容即是2019年初,在印度摩訶菩提學會舉辦的〈佛教與女性解放 〉學術研討會議上,隨佛長老及道一比丘尼發表之《探討上座部佛教比丘尼傳承的重要性與時代意義》、《現代華人社會上座部比丘尼的困境與發展現況》兩篇學術論文的中、英文內容。
The contents of this book, in both Chinese and English, are compiled from the writings of Ven. Bhikkhu Vūpasama and Ven. Bhikkhunī Tissarā. They were presented at the “Global Conference on Buddhism and Women's Liberation", held at the Maha Bodhi Society of India in early 2019. The two papers are titled: "Importance and Contemporary Significance of Theravada Bhikkhunī Lineage" and “Dilemma and Current Development of Theravada Bhikkhunīs in Modern Chinese Society".